Monday, March 24, 2008 ding dong~lol today skool starts again...everything is going so weird..x.x our government teacher suddenly sot le...(she got complained for giving us too much homework) so she hen bu shuang barh...aiya..forget it..9 more weeks of skool!!! AND IMA FREE BIRD!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe =X hmmm....gonna have a major test for english tomorrow a history and economics test on wednesday, maths test results coming out tomorrow.... english 3 major project due on thursday...urhhhh nothing else i guess...x.x... got some good news from my aunt =X..HO HO HO (but not telling =p) THEN THEN THEN MAN...dinner today was like....OMG ..%$^%#&** LOLS..AWESOME...hohoho we ate like...$$130 of sushi and stuff...walao...the sushi was like.. we ordered for 3 people de sushi specialty...OMG... de plate SO FREAKIN BIG...O.O lol...MANN.....its like...IN HEAVEN..LOLS =X there were like....4 types of fish egg sushi's salmon , tuna, squid, white fish, and ALOt more weird ones... HEN HAO CHI MAN!.... aH wHiTe @ 5:56 PM | comment link here
Saturday, March 22, 2008 hahahhahahahaa...!! chipmunk version songs...dam funny and cute! HAHA spend the whole night downloading all this crap.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.....x.x aH wHiTe @ 11:57 PM | comment link here
Thursday, March 20, 2008 HO HO HO... POKEMON SONG! =X I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST!~~~~ lalalalal~~~ POKEMON! GOTTA CATCH EM' ALL~~!! HO HO HO...HAHAHAHAHA im being childish =x... the song is kinda nice tho..LOLS =X=X... lalala~ GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLL =X lame lame lame------ aH wHiTe @ 10:43 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 urhhhhhh...x.x...tired and exhausted! whole morning doing homework and stuff.... its like a spring break with no break... woke up at....around 8 sumthing...and did until afternoon.. then messed with the blog songs a bit and load here..load dere... dennn...go ppl blog..poke lai poke chu..haha then then this and that and this and that.... urhhh....something's wrong with my mp4..T.T it wont connect to the computer thingy...connect le..still says..NO CONNECTION... haiiizzzz..TOOOT... urhhhhhhhh...dinner was boring.... and driving time...onli begins next week... omgggggggg...lols next week skool reopen den start learning to drive... NO TIME TO DO HOMEWORK ARHHH... next week MAJOR PROJECTS DUE... next week HOLIDAY HOMEWORKS DUE... next week TIME TO DIE..x.x... i just a "COMPLIMENT" from CLOUDIE...saying dat... romantic songs should not be appearing in my blog...== kan bian wo arhhhhhhhh......QIAN BIAN =P hmmmm..wad else.... cleared everything from my computer... deleted all those programs that i never used before... also deleted the online games and stuff... oh yea.....n THX to someone...i was searching here and there for some STUPID SONGS...lols. (don't kill me =P) urhhhhhhh....kinda addicted to piano version of the songs... watching on youtube...its like...KOOL...HEN LI HAI ARH...WOW..lols =x... urh urh urhhhhh.... the weather today is kinda crazy..==...its like...10 mins rain heavily... other 20 mins sunny...den rain again~ then sunny again... crazy hor.....wanna go out also cannot..== zzzzzzzzz.... bored bored bored...tired tired tired...dying dying dying...stress stress stress.... seriously..i feel like eating popiah! laksa! satay! urh urh urh..BAK KUT TEH =X URH URH URH..wad i miss those food...everyday over same things over and over again..IM GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEE...x.x..... -bangs bangs bangs-.... at first..everyone loves eating all those pizza and fast food and stuff... but eating it like everyday is gonna MAKE U DIE...x.x.... bored...== SIAN ArHHHHH.....i feel like sleeping right now... but all my books and stuff are on the bed... so kinda lazy to move them....i have to consider to take the pillow and put it on the computer table then lay my head on it...@.@ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....wad a long post... but lets crap somemore~ la la la la~ la la la la~ elmo's world~ la la la la~ la la la la~ Big bird's world~ la la la la~ (done) urh urh urh... Jingle bells~ jingle bells~ jingle all the way~ LALALA~~~ o mac nikki had a farm~ e i e i o...~ ok..ima done oh more thing..... DBSK ROCKS! =X i just noticed...such a long post.. la la~(listening to blog song) colorful posts also =X -GonE- aH wHiTe @ 4:48 PM | comment link here
Sunday, March 16, 2008 urhhhh...x.x... tired and exhausted...been exercising alot these days...tiring.......................x.x hmmmmmmm.....added 2 new songs...cantonese...sounded nice~ lalala~~ sadly dunno whr to download..but oh wells~ ENJOY! =X urhh..most probably gonna start driving hours tomorrow..... gotta start my projects soon le...x.x... yawns~~~~~~~ i just realised that time passed really fast and everything has already changed throughout this time.. well...i guess the change isn't considered bad.. jy everyone! CHIONG ARHHHHHHH =X -off to sleep- (short post =P) aH wHiTe @ 10:03 PM | comment link here
Saturday, March 15, 2008 zzzzzz...nothing much happened today.....i'm posting for the previous days~ well.....for geometry we had to memorise the PI digits... and i managed to memorise 62...and got 3 digits wrong... basically i memorised the most...the other ppl onli made it till first 40 or 50..haha...x.x.... but sad thing is dunno how the teacher calculate...coz i got 3 wrong!..x.x. oh wells...and todays geometry test was like dam hard de.... no more 99 for me le..x.xhope i can even get a 80!..x.x..ZI BEI zI BEI... urhhhh...finally got my permit yesterday..and now waiting for driving schedule... ~drive drive drive~ freeeeeeeeeeeedom =X...FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~ woooooooots~hmmm....miss msn alot...havent been on it for likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......2 weeks or more..x.x busy with alot of skool stuff....for english III we're assigned a research paper and a major gonna sufferrrri just finished english IV research paper..and here comes another gonna hang myself soon le...and for english previous satirical literature test... i got a REALLY REALLY bad grade!..x.x....-not telling-.....urhhhhhhh.....wad else...hmmmmnothing le...BYEEEEEEEEEE =] aH wHiTe @ 6:24 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 urh....x.x tired tired and tired.... so long never on msn le...coz skool work is killing me...x.x. onli reply tags...x.x...and much de.. major test for maths and english 4 on thursday...x.x... these past days been rushing for my literary journal project... due tomolo....arhhhhh...major grade...x.x....... I cant wait till spring break!..but i have some stuff to do in spring break..x.x.... oh wells, i wont be on msn so tag me..i might reply =P anddddddd....for maths...extra points...we have to memorise the digits of PI...dat 3.1415 sumthing 5 ppl that memorise the most get extra points on test...i think i memorise like......first 25digits...x.x....headacheeeeeeeee... and yesterday..once i got home..i fell asleep..and did all my homework at 7 sumthing... den..had to chiong THE CHAMBER (us government book)...required to read from chapter 1 to very pain..x.x.. i started from chapter 4 - 14...coz..i read the others in class...x.x.... so dam tired..x.x....feel like dying...x.x...ARHHHHH just got a call from driving skool! gonna get my permit tomorrow..and apply for the driving courses! weee~.... ok...back to homework and memorising...toodles! aH wHiTe @ 4:35 PM | comment link here
Friday, March 7, 2008 woooo~im so impressed with myself =X..HAHA... today...for economy class...ONLY GOT 8 ppl! so we played...MONOPOLY...teacher said..monopoly is related to economics... so he FORCED US TO PLAY! whr got teacher force student to play games de hor..HAHA.. AND was freezing cold today...x.x...ZZZZZZ COLD DAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....shivering when walking to lunch... coz my lesson before lunch is outside de..and..toot! SO FREAKIN COLD!!!..x.x urhhhh...ONCE AGAIN...LOVE DE SKIN =X...SO KOOOOOOOOL =P edit here edit dere...EVEN KOOLER =X wahahahhahaaaa...(bhb bhb bhb) even editted the impressed with my work..=P going out to dinner...continue to post net time! TOoDLES!... aH wHiTe @ 3:36 PM | comment link here
Thursday, March 6, 2008 x.x...finally done with my new skin... keep screwing up...spend like....dunno how long to finish it...==...mannnn.. brain juice all used up... sleepy now...zzz... haha...plz comment on the new bloggie =x aH wHiTe @ 7:42 PM | comment link here
6th March, Thursday 2008
well...its not such an awesome day at skool... but...FINALLY got my 2nd progress report! AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE...! SO HIGH!!! =X=X...urhh...ok..lets compare wad i got last time and now =x Us Government 73 (D) ----> 75 (C) English III 85 (B) ----> 91 (A) Us History 73 (D) ----> 74 (D) Geometry 83 (B) ----> 90 (A) Health 90 (A) ----> 93 (A) Economy 89 (B) ----> 89 (B) English IV 89 (B) ----> 93 (A) so proud of myself =X=X...besides de one more D...x.x... least i managed to pump up one subject to a D...x.x....sighhhh... well...hope i dont get CURSED by someone...and start SINKING... well..sink like 1 or 2 points still ok i guess...but damit...economy...same grades..== ONE MORE DAM POINT TILL AN A!...TOOOOOOOOOOOOOT... oh wells...CHIONG ARHHHHHHHHHH anyways...yesterday's TAKS english was like...$@#%^!@$#^ dunno wad de hell the essay topic was about de lorh...sumthing like.. Write about how a person help you learn an important lesson..==... wad de toot lai de...but i still wrtoe like..2 well...hope to maintain these grades barh...x.x....well at least us government and us history improved A and steady wins de race govern..improve by 2 his..1 point..=.=... and our school basketball team are playing against the states tomorrow! CHEER FOR THE VIKINGS! GOGOGO =X...haha i guess tomorrow no need to study de larh..everyone go watch basketball game... urhhhhh...wad else...... hmmmm....nothing le... TOODLES! JY on STUDIES! CHIONG ARHHHHHHHHHH ^^V aH wHiTe @ 1:01 PM | comment link here
Monday, March 3, 2008
3rd, March 2008 Monday
wooo..finally back home... well...3rd march is ah qi's happy bday! and lets see what happened these few days... aunt came back from panama...for 2 days... she took me to buy new clothes and other junk... was fun! coz she was like... "choose what u want" den i was expensive de...x.x... den she was like "nvm...choose what u like"..den i choose choose choose...bought like..... 8 shirts and 3 shorts...and a pair of slippers...(dunno how to spell)..hehe x.x.... well...all of it cost like.........200 lucky i dont need to over here nicer den the ones in msia..haha...reebok T-shirt for 30 bucks...looks awesome =x..haha... im gonna grow up to be a money spender....AHHHHHHH...oh we wanted to go apply for my permit..but the driving skool wasnt i have to wait a few more weeks to learn driving...sad...i finished all my driving theory needa wait for permit and apply for practical driving....~ progess report ( report card) coming out tomolo! arhhhh!!! wonder how i did this time...x.x....i'm aiming for....3- 5 A's!! x.x....coz us history and us government no need to think PRAY PRAY.. these few days going out with my seldom online~ urhhhh...CANT WAIT TO GET MY GRADES TOMOLO!!!...x.x.... oh yea...i still have another major english test tomorrow...x.x...and i wrote a satirical essay about parents! haha..i shall post it up some other day..haha...x.x... urhhh.....for the maths test, teacher gave gifts to student who got highest points...wooooo...i was highest! hahahaha =x...99! WOOT....a book, pen and some other stationary...not bad....haha...omggggggg.....SO NERVOUS FOR MY GRADES TOMOLO!!!...x.x....(i think i said like 5 times le...)... well...i'm thinking of changing blog skin le...but currently not have to change it some other time...yawns~...gonna go sleep le...tired like shyt.. study for the english test like siao...x.x... toodleS~ ^^v aH wHiTe @ 6:34 PM | comment link here
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