Tuesday, June 3, 2008 olaaaaaaa everyone :D i noticed that i havent blogged for a toot-ing long time...lols well, suddenly hopping around blogs and decided to revive my blog :D -a sudden bright light- tadaaaaaa~ revived :P anyways, lets see wads happening in skool now... monday the whole day sleep, coz this week spose to be exam and review week people that dun take the exam can sleep or read books... duh....of coz SLEEP LA...lol then, tuesday..which is today...so freakin boring....stay in skool do nothing today...*yawns* then, decided to help teacher sort out her stuff cuz skools closing on friday(graduation) weeee~ summer break le! but sad thing is bye bye senior pals D: so freakin tired of running up n down...lemme tell u de whole story :D firstly, i was upstairs at C HALL...then teacher send a pass to call me DOWN then i went DOWN....then after 30 mins of "CONFERENCE" i went back up to grab my stuff....the stupid door was lock...so i went back DOWN, to find my teacher and ask her to open the door...DEN...WE went back UP....but she dun have the key... the teacher that had the key was downstairs eating lunch..SO I WENT DOWN AGAIN...then call her open de door...SO I WENT BACK UP....then gosh..SO FREAKIN TIRED CAN...and i was rushing to my other class......from all the way at the end..run to the outside building..GOSH..TIRING...EXHAUSTED... and guess wad...i decided that i shall not sleep at night and just sleep in skool :D, thats wad my fren told me..haha....she's influencing my innocent lil brain cells..:P anyways...today was my last driving class...it was a test today...gosh.. i got a 84^^v im sooooooo pro :D and tomolo...exempt people go to skool at 8 45..and leave at 11 45 but i dun have transport that day...so might as well go skool at 7 and help teacher out... gonna slack tomorrow....skool is so boringggggggggggggg.... i cant wait for my exam on thursday...lol...exams are fun :D after that exam...skool is officially OVER...U HEAR ME? OVERRRRRR then slack the whole summer :D WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gonna get a new ccar when skool starts! AWESOME! :D thinking of getting a smaller car..coz it saves gas :D lalala~~~ wad else to talk about huh...hmmmm... oh yea, that day i finally on-ed msn, so many people pm-ed me...gosh....people nowadays must calm down and chill..lol....like 100 years never see me :P anyways...overall it was kinda fun..chatting with a bunch of nuttheads :D well, life's been pretty kool..but some really weird thing happen that day... there were to girls sitting beside me( when i was sleeping) then one of them woke me up and asked such weird stuff....=.=....got or dun have also not their problem right...( guess wad their questions were...) oh well.... i shall post next time :D cya all soon :] |
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