Thursday, August 28, 2008 yawns....while waiting for my psp to nothing to do right now...stupid battery when i wanna sleep n listen song...well...since im still waiting..i shall blog :D i NEVER waste my precious time :P ok..lets see.... skool started already and im finally a so proud of myself :P one more year and high skool life is OVER...but the sad thing is..all my classes are so messed up..haiz...sad sad sad... and..tomorrow..i got MAP QUIZ ARHHHH...i went to do this online game online...about naming the 50 states in usa in 10 bad tho :P 4min n 25 sec finish leh :P:P PRO LEH! i just studied de lorh..and i was playing maple while doing studying it..:P man..tian chai jiu shi tian chai..LOLS hmmm...awaits for driving licence!!! ARHHHH...urh...1 week and a half!! :P approximatly 11 days or so...haha... hmm...besides that..i find algebra hard as toot...i tried to finish the worksheet in skool..but i took like...5 mins to finish 1 question...n in geometry..5 mins..finish whole worksheet liao la... then at home do do sian can..==....stupid X's and Y's....zzzz...graph graph graph...LEARN FOR WAD...==... haiz....i might fail my maths this time...i catch no toot in that class..the teacher is like in her own world....and we huh uh huh..yea yea yea...==...pray for the quizes tomolo....geometry, algebra, us history....yawns...==.. wad else.....lemme see.....hmmmmmmm........ i think im addicted to maple liao...stupid sharon lo...made me download,... if i fail any classes...all sharon's fault :P oh wells...nothing else...-off to sleep- |
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