Tuesday, October 28, 2008 zzzzz....currently no mood... i hate it when people say one thing and mean another.. i hate it when people say yes at first then no at the end... i hate people that lie to me about certain things! i hate everything around me right now... i hate people that say one thing and mean the other.... i hate it when people break their promises!!! I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE AND ALL THE CRAP I NEEDA STAY WITH.. i just wish i could live alone in my own lil house or sumthing.. if i had the chance to leave this home...i would DO IT! im even consider staying at the dorms when i go to college... I CANT STAND ALL THOSE EXCUSES AND LIES... JUST LEAVE ME ALONE... IF U DONT LIKE ME...then too bad... im not living for u to like me...and guess wad! I DONT LIKE U TOO...gosh.. this is pissing the hell outtaa me..... aH wHiTe @ 7:07 PM | comment link here
Monday, October 27, 2008 arhhhhhhhhhh... i went to apply for job le..:P wish me luck..:) i want money!!! I WANNA GET A NEW PHONE!! :P ooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... havent been doing much lately...just youtube-ing..== watching those funny clips..laughing my ass off...hahahahaha urhhhhh....skool kinda busy...everyone seems to be VERY BUSY... onli me...da most UNBUSY PERSON RIGHT NOW... LIFELESSSSSSS... I WANNA DRIVE! I WANA CAR! I WAN SOMETHING! :P this is some funny shyt ..TEEEEEHEEEEEE oh yea..i think im sick or someone talking behind my back.. i keep sneezing and seems like IM ALWAYS FREEZING COLD... probably coz da weather is like crazy now...morning and afternoon..even when da sun is out..it is still feakin cold....zzzzzz.... and... this is the phone im gonna get for sure :P although not that chio..but the functions are koooooooooooooooooool and AWESOMEEEE its name is kool tooo..its called....DA G1! :) psttt..WHITE IS CHIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :P aH wHiTe @ 3:30 PM | comment link here
Saturday, October 25, 2008 hmmm...watsup :D im bored....anyways....lets talk about wad i've been doing.. watching youtube :D ITS VERY FUNNNNNNNy :P yesterday..i was sharing all those funny clips with my stupid twin..connie... SOOOOOO FREAAAAAAAAAAAAAKIN FUNNY! :) and our convo man....SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUSSSS....OMG ...teasing n bullying her is like SOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...HEEEHEEE :P oh..i went to sleep at 3 sumthing..and woke up at 8am...I GOT DA POWER MAN then...my fren called me at.....10? she needs a house to live in..o.o... so i asked...and shes gonna move in...O.O that kinda sounds wrong...but...no comments...lol anyways....went for lunch with cousin to eat noodles :D then...slacked at home until 8pm...and went to eat a late snack... chilled at da place till 10 30...and now im backkkkkkkkkkk watching youtube again...lols :) YOUTUBE IS ADDICTING !!! HUHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...GRADES OUT NEXT WEEEEEEEK... (excited...kinda-ish...)LOLS i wanted to upload a video..but too lazy.....HEEEEHEEEEE aH wHiTe @ 9:36 PM | comment link here
Thursday, October 23, 2008 haiz haiz haiz~ sian sian sian~ die die die~ wad an interesting way to start the post right...lol just got my SAT grades....SUCK LIKE SHYT.... but it's my first time taking..so everyone is like..not bad for 1st try.. usually people take it 2 times...coz da first time..everyone kinda sucks... but omg...i cant believe i suck so much..haizzzz... dont even talk about it...sian dao si when i saww my grade... report card coming out next week..even dead-er( i know its not a word..) hopefully i passed all my subjects...i dont wanna stay back a year...70 marks..a D im also very happy le...but if i get A's i dont mind...lol but i dont think i have good grades...didnt study for any of my exams...and tomolo..having a Math exam...arhhhhhh...die le~ urhh...lets talk about skool...-.- boring as usual..but so tired..coz PE run here run there..=.= lame.......urh...after skool...my fren messaged me and told me she gonna come pick me up.. so i went off da bus and waited for her to come pick me up...lol... went to get starbucks..then chit chatted a bit at my house...n she was watching SAW at my house..=.=...i was like...wtf..so bloody...im so innocent de can...and she wanna watch all this movie..=.=.....retarded shyt..the whole time she was watching i was like...covering myself with da blanket...no offense..and i aint a scardy cat...but i just hate bloody scenes...... after an hour or so..she headed home...and finally the bloody stuff is over.. oh yea.....got my drivers licence..can drive le...just needa practise somemore..then can drive drive drive... but ACT's in december.....DECEMBER spose to be my most favourite month ok...due to some reasons...lol but now...i just hope that i can get higher grades then the SAT scores... seriously dissappointed....zzzz... suddenly i feel stupid now...seriously... but i actually got better then my cousin n his fren..lol... should i be happy or sad? ...wadever... and fyi..for all those people that think i have a gf or wad.. the truth is...I DONT...n dont think wrongly... im still single and available de ok..=.=...people always think...guys n girls cannot be best frens........ and today...in english 4...there was this article we had to read about some love thingy... lemme try to rmber wad it said... 1) if there is no jealousy, it means that love does not exist... 2)if u have a true love, u should not look at others...(as in..think about other people..=.=..so wrong ok..) these are the main 2 i rmber..coz they both are bullshyt....==... hmmm...i think thats about it...toodles~! aH wHiTe @ 6:26 PM | comment link here
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ding dong ding dong~~ ima boredddddddddddddddd...x.x urhh....nothing much lately... skool is like shyt...i think i failed most of my exams..=.= report card coming out next week and SAT grades are out tomolo... die die die... bored like shyt in skoooooooooooooooooooooooool.... another english exam tomolo...din even bother bringing da book back to study... slackin most of da time..hopefully its easy and multiple choice..so no need use brain :D tian cai marhs :D hmmm...thanksgiving coming up...wonder if there will be a turkey feast :) dinner today was a plate of cold cocktail shrimps...lol...and i mean COLD... ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...i wanna get da "side kick" ![]() chio rights :P if i get it ima show off at connie :) but its around...300++ i think...i might get it once i get work or maybe sooner... depends on my mood...maybe one day i go crazy n go spend money like a crazy toot :P but this is one of da phones im considering..coz the previous ones...are a diferent company and they dont sell to our company de...wad a pity...sadded...
i like this one more..but more expensive i think....ARHHH..too bad no touchscreen! the service i have now..totally sucks..they dont have phones with touchscreens....except for one..which is like an iphone..=.=...ugly....I WANT THIS ONE!...$$500.....x.x....money money! fall from da sky!! btw..this one is called da "WING" wad a kool name right...but i dont get how they name it...ok..that was really random...anyones...done with random posts...feel free to give suggestions towards which phone more chio ok :D aH wHiTe @ 4:19 PM | comment link here
Saturday, October 18, 2008 Declan Galbraith - 10 years old when this video was made.. simply amazing..:D
aH wHiTe @ 1:42 PM | comment link here
im thinking of gettin a new phone... which one is prettier? ![]() ![]() both also touchscreen lehs..so tempting..wait till i get money..i will buy this one..lol its like..$$$$500 the other one cheaper...but no QWERTY keypad...x.x.. oh wells...which one more chio arhs? :P aH wHiTe @ 7:47 AM | comment link here
Friday, October 17, 2008 ok...maybe my songs are kinda old..but guess wad.. they arent sang by ordinary people ok.. i was so impressed when i heard the 4 year old sang that..I have a dream song.. when one gets bored...they tend to realise to many things.. now then i only realise that there are sooooo much talented people in the world.. especially kids nowadays...one word...AMAZING anyways...been doing nothing these days... had a few exams and tests and quizzes throughout the whole week... but i dont think i flunked any yet..o.o... doesnt matter anyways...lol.. hmmm...wad else... been rotting at home kinda-ish... urhhhh................... nothing else to say.. toodles~! aH wHiTe @ 8:58 PM | comment link here
Sunday, October 12, 2008 ok, first of all.. HAPPY BDAY TO OUR DEAR SHARRIE SHARON :D 2ndly...i woke up at 8 am today! am i a pro or wad? actually i slept at 7 pm that night...lol okla..whoever reads this will think im a pig...13 hours man...first time ever..== but it was mostly coz i had a bad bad headache....messed up my head...x.x oh yea...i duno why but i seem to be in a depression mode..o.o and the onli person that actually noticed was ah min...lol she was trying to cheer me up..but ended up crapping with me..lol shes funny shyt ok..shorty keep still say herself like 175 cm..==...if i believe i sure got problem ok..== anyways...today din do much...stayed at the com till from 8 am to 6pm..o.o im having a date with my com as u all can see..:D and i've posted some sad sad songs...how touching...x.x... haizz....sianed....gettin bored of this retarded life.. maybe i should just erase everything and start all over again.. memories are meant to be remembered and kept away.. maybe thats wad i shall do..keep all those things away..and start all over... its hard to act tough infront of ppeople...things just scramble in ur mind saying..its gonna be ok..but actually nothing can be ok when u feel like ur living a lifeless life... dont even bother trying to understand .... aH wHiTe @ 8:37 PM | comment link here
Saturday, October 11, 2008 LIFELESSSSSSSS~~~~ arhhhh..bored like shyt anyways...got my report card again... lemme show off my grades~ English IV - 83 Algebra -92 US hist -91 Geometry - 97 PE -100 English III-81 kinda...good right... anyways..back to wad i did today..== slept till like 10..o.o then went online..but nobody online..so i went to watch drama... drama drama drama~ watched the wholeee day...BORED den dinner...burger king..=.=..lol i need proper food!!! well~ planning to go to the mall with my fren tomolo hopefully she can make it...or else ima sit infront of the com the whole day.. yawns..=.= well...nothing else to talk about~ good night and toodles~ aH wHiTe @ 5:05 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 do watch this video...its a very nice song sang by 2 dudes..but as i randomly clicked through this group..i realised the guy with the glasses died in a motorcycle accident in korea.. its really sad to see such a great singer die just like that...he was onli 23 when he died... eventho i dont know much about this group...i like this song :) he died in march 2008...his 3rd single was released one month before his death....having an opportunity to release an album, he must have been really happy...but before he could live the glory..he passed away... its really sad...therefore, i dedicate this post to everyone...you should do wad u like and express wadever feelings u have towards a person...nobody knows what will happen in the next second.. make sure u take the opportunity while u still have it..when a person is gone...no matter how hard to wanna tell them something.....its impossible..the fact is..once dead...u wont have another chance... this post...made me kinda...depressed... well...im done for the sad posting... now...lets talk about what i did today...first of all..went to skool...slacked alot in skool today....(basically sleep through my classes..)..i dont feel like participating in skool work nowadays...and im gona have another major exam in december...called..ACT...its a similar exam like SAT...but its another standard..so yea..i guess i'll start studying...hopefully can score good in this one..and my SAT grades are coming in 2 more weeks... ok..furthermore...GOOD LUCK TO THE PEOPLE TAKING O LVL'S! SHARON GOOD LUCK! CONNIE GOOD LUCK! POPIAH GOOD LUCK! urh..who else..o.o....MIN? MIN GOOD LUCKKKKK and other random people good luck :) hopefully there is another tomorrow for everyone, take care and loves from me :) aH wHiTe @ 6:33 PM | comment link here
Monday, October 6, 2008 BORED ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i think i seriously needa life.... everyday come home...stare at the walls... needa go be gay n find a bf or go find gf...lols which one should i consider? how bout both? I CAN GET BOTH A GF AND A BF... holy cows....see how crappy i am when i get bored..== maybe it was the coffee i drank..o.o mcdonald's coffee has made ah white like a toot! AHHHHHHH...or maybe the m n m's..o.o ARHHHH..TOO MUCH SUGAR! OR MAYBE THE MAGGEEE MEE! OMGGGGGGGGGG... lol..ok..kinda crazy... skool was boring as usual...test tomolo...-.-... lazy to study...sui bian bah..x.x aH wHiTe @ 5:42 PM | comment link here
Saturday, October 4, 2008 yawns... took my SAT's today....i guess it was ok... but not ok...the math was not bad..the english sure die... believe me..the standard is like so high... if u dont believe me..try asking connie.... haizzzz...i actually tried studying until 12 sumthing the day before the exam but i guess it just wont work... hopefully i get lucky and get all correct... woke up at like..6:50am to get ready... left home at 7:15...the exam ended at like...1.. after 4hours of examing..went to McDonalds to get breakfast...o.o...breakfast at 1..nice right anyways..got home...n watched tv the whole day..bored shyt.. hmm..wanted to change skin but too lazy... updated some new songs....o.o urhhhhh...still having a da xiao yan..-.-...(i think only connie knows wad i mean..=.=) and i feel kinda moodless today...dont ask me why.... coz i dont know too..but hopefully when u msg me in msn i will reply.. or i might be sleeping...o.o hmmm...might go out tomorrow with fren...someone wants to treat me to lunch..o.o at times i feel so special...lol wad else...ahhhhhhhh...this wad i did just now... so random..-.-..i think the phrase was from some movie..o.o ![]() ok...i guess im out of words to say.. cya... aH wHiTe @ 7:33 PM | comment link here
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 HUZAAAAAAA i feel all energetic thanks to a 2hours afternoon nap..O.O anyways...there is something sad that happened !! the private server i was playing...CLOSED DOWN LAST NIGHT but there WAS a happy thing too.. i became a gm on that server....BUT IT HAD TO CLOSE DOWN....x.x SADDED....at least i had an hour of gm POWA :P it was kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkooooooooooooooooooooooooooool seriously :P anyways....skool has been ok today :D finished all my homework in my off period... so i actually have time to sleep!! :D and the other thing is..once i woke up...i noticed i had a FLU....well i alrdy had it for a few days...but..NOW ITS EVEN WORSE...x.x..... and i have a sore throat....havent been drinking much water i guess...x.x.... and been going out everyday to subways with fren..==....zzzzzzz shes making me sick of subways now... urh....fyi..shes just my friend :D (who says guys cant have girl as frens :O ) lols..anyways...i have nothing else to post le... toodles :D aH wHiTe @ 4:54 PM | comment link here
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