Saturday, November 29, 2008 urh..i feel so dead eventho its onli 12 am..-.- been on the computer the whole freakin day... and guess officially a gm of iPandaMS needs hamachi..if anyone interested do join! website:! V.61 Server! hamachi: iPandaMS,iPandaMS1,iPandaMS2! password:123]] join join join! anyways..back to the main topic... hmm... oh ! i shall tell u the procedure of choosing the gm ok...outta 7 people...there was onli 1 spot for a we all made applications...mines was crappy as usual..but i was surprised i got chosen! wat can i say..kenneh has skills...LOL hmm...being a gm is kindaish hard..all those codes are starting to mess up my brain cells...but its fun..helping people and do other random stuff.. MAKE SURE U NO LIFER'S OUT THERE JOIN OK! :D aH wHiTe @ 10:36 PM | comment link here
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 got decided to take random quizzes..:D aH wHiTe @ 9:40 PM | comment link here
personality test by aH wHiTe @ 9:39 PM | comment link here
huzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mr kenneh is very happy today! kinda-ish...o.o ok..morning...woke up at....hmmm...10++...went down make breakfast... then go upstairs watch youtube and dramas....then...afternoon at 1 sumthng went to eat THAI FOOOD...ahhhhh...FULL DAO....x.x.. then then then! went to eat DESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSERRRRRRTTTT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..the coffee there omg..SO GOOOOOOOOOOD....AND THE flour thing-ies taste so goooooooooood..OMG...kenneh is inlove liaos! :P last but not least...after fren came to pick me up to go watch TWILIGHTTT... eventho i didnt read the book..the movie was pretty kool...and INTERESTING... of my frens couldnt make it due to some reasons...but without her it was fun too :D AND yesterday night...was mostly pissed and hyper and stupid ok... was pissed coz of fren..hyper coz dunno why...and always ACTING ok...well...tomorrow is thanksgiving...and we plan to spend it with a dinner and gonna go catch a movie..i think its the....007 movie...Quantum of solace i think? gonna go watch with cousin and his gf...and hopefully dinner will be good :D:D cant wait for tomorrrrowwwwwwww..... -currently eating a banana- ok..mostly all the time i post i have a banana..why? becoz i went to the market and bought it... AND WHY DID I BUY BANANA? becoz they are not messy and easy to eat...not like oranges..and apples..all need get rid of skin..mah fan right.. and i dont like doing COMPLICATED STUFF...LOL...ok...(random) anyways....probably gonna watch a lil anime and then go sleep...SO TIREDDDDDD.... OHHHHHH......and PSTTTTTTTTTT....go watch twilight :D for girls..they gonna fall inlove with da movie coz of da hot guys..for guys...just go watch it with the girls..LOLS :P ok..enough or randomness....and the reason why i watched it was none of the above... I WAS JUST BORED AT HOME..SO DECIDED TO DO SOMETHING BESIDES STARING AT COM...HUZAAAAAAAA KENNEH FTW! :P aH wHiTe @ 6:11 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 im so proud of myself!!! but..i think it looks ugly....SAD... But staring at it..KINDA LOOKS SIMILAR LEHSSSSSS :P:P:P WOOOOO...and the enlarged one is so thats wad i have been doing for....1 hour n a half i think...the hardest part is...drawing all those freakin stupid boxes! grrrrrrr...but at least im done with my project :P kindaish hyper coz i din know i can draw so good! (BOW DOWN TO KING KENNEH!) smaller one better right :P well...comment me on how u think my drawing is..AND KING KENNEH ONLI ACCEPTS POSITIVE ONES! :) the next process is to color it in....i doubt i will take pictures after the coloring..coz coloring in art..FAILS..x.x aH wHiTe @ 2:30 PM | comment link here
urhh..bored n tired n weird..o.o bored part was yesterday..nothing to bored of youtube..went to sleep at 7 sumthing woke up at 9 sumthing...coz my fren called and said.."HEY IM COMING UR HOUSE RIGHT NOW" so basically the tired part was...shut the phone..HURRY AND GET UP AND GET RDY.. U CANT LOOK BAD WHEN PEOPLE COME UR HOUSE RIGHT..-.- and after 5 mins...DING DONG..come liaos~ so...chilled abitat my house...went to get breakfast...den came back and showed her some funny youtube clips that i shared with connie..obviously...she doesnt get it coz she stupid liddat..LOL... sometimes i think connie is KINDA smart....(sometimes....) and i think i just ran off topic...ok..back on track right now... so after a while she had to go back afternoon skool... so i decided to do my stupid MATH project... and guess which character i choose to draw! PATRICK STARRRRRRRR :P so i went to google n look for cute pics...this wad im drawing... ![]() interesting right :P and today night gonna go out..cousin gf bday..gonna go eat some japanese restaurant..o.o oh wells...its gonnabe boring...all their frens..and lil lonely kenneh.. oh least good food right... im done with my 1cm X 1cm drawing of patrick.... now gonna enlarge it by 3.... so its gonna be BIG... when i finish..i shall take pic of show how pro my drawing skills are ok..(im seriously bhbing..i cant draw...x.x) ok..toodles..~ aH wHiTe @ 1:46 PM | comment link here
Saturday, November 22, 2008 bored bored lifeless lifessless bored bored skool was ok last week....progress report back.. :P which means its time to show off my grades :D english IV - 100 algebra - 98 Geometry - 98 us history - 93 PE - 100 english III - 87 total of 5A's n 1 B... im gona go kill myself coz of that B...COZ IM ASIAN LIDAT..LOL been watching alot of youtube...(HOW TO BE ASIAN) and all those funny asian stereotypes...=.= ok...been slackin alot these past weeks...andon friday... for math...we were assigned a PROJECT... have u ever heard of a PROJECT in math? obviously wad we have to do is...DRAW.. "YAY" not..=.=...i suck in drawing ok...NOTE : NOT ALL ASIANS CAN DRAW lol its thanksgiving starting next week...dunno which day..but we have the whole week off.. awesome riight? :) kinda-ish hmmm...probably gonna hang out with frens next week...and guess wad day is coming up! lmme give u a hint! STARTS WITH B AND ENDS WITH DAY LOL....i was depressed days ago..but kinda hyper coz i sleep alot and i have ENERGY to be lame :D:D and omggg...yesterday at msn...LAMING WITH PORK CHOP...our convo so funny can! she never fails to make me laugh....juz by her stupidness and blurness and...SOTONGNESS...LOL ok....thats about it...- off to eat banana - toodles~! aH wHiTe @ 4:28 PM | comment link here
Monday, November 17, 2008 im kinda-ish back to the hyped up mood now... well...not that hyped but still ok...better from yesterday.. decided to delete that previous post...coz it made me sound wimpy.. oh well...toodles~ aH wHiTe @ 4:35 PM | comment link here
Monday, November 10, 2008 yawns...just finished english outline for stupid essay... feel so pressurized...just finished english 3 essay and then finished english 4 essay... and now..another le si le si le... but kinda impressed with my current grades... english 4 average - 100 ( KOOL RIGHT ) english 3 - 81...(ji dan) geometry-98 algebra 2 - 98 us hist - 98 pe-100 Lol stinkin B screw up my whole grade :P oh..and these few days....been slackin around like crazy... sunday...i got persuaded into making a maplestory private server.. so i made one based on titan de.... and i actually succeeded and made it..kinda interesting..being da only one and i din know how to work it at first..due to the messy stuff.... then..i made myself the GM...and then SUPERGM.... LVL 4 supergm! im so proud of myself! lvl 4.....everything also 30K ..AHAHHAHAHAH.. then i got too lazy to do anymore i closed it down (kinda-ish) and and and! i've been thinking about one question lately... what do u see in ur future girlfren... everyone would probably answer : cute, tall, skinny, pretty or sumthing.. but after reconsidering that, that is wad EVERYBODY WANTs.... i thought it into more detail-ly i've been watching alot of hong kong drama lately... and i realised...EVERY ACTRESS WITH DIMPLES ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE N HOT..LOL so i made a reminder to myself... find gf must look for ones with dimples...and another thing is....must write with left hand... i dont know why about the left hand part..but i just think its kinda attractive..O.O... SO BE AWARE... ALL THE LEFTY'S AND DIMPLE-ED GIRLS...WATCH OUT...U MIGHT BE MY NEXT :P enough currently private server closed i got nothing to do...:( anyways...IM BORED! T.T aH wHiTe @ 6:03 PM | comment link here
Monday, November 3, 2008 mood was so much better from the previous days ok.. and today..ruined again..zzz... ARHHHH...... started off like this... i was in skool.... one of my class....i sit between one girl and one guy...OMFG...they are so freakin annoying...i seriously wanna tell them to shut the F*** up...or just move somewhere else n continue talking...not only that is annoying...the girl is like...screaming in my right ear..and the guy is talking back on myleft ear...ARHHH... and thats not the worst part....this guy...(f***ing retarded and bullshyted looking guy) keeps ask this girl about opinions..on girls... speak da me also not desperate larhs...but him...omg... seriously...he keeps talking about this girl..."i called her cellphone so many times she never pick up, i even left her a voicemail in her house phone" AND IM LIKE..WTF...if they dont wan talk to u...of coz ur F***ing annoying larh! gosh!! and this girl is like...dont worry blah blah blah...her bf this bf that...ZZZ GET A LIFE....history class is boring enough...go elsewhere and continue your grandfather stories...gosh.....this is totally pissing...EVERY SINGLE DAY they annoy the hell outta me... AND TODAY..I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE...I NEEDA EXPLODE!!..>GOSH... and at my pe class...even more annoying...this lil girl...shes like...2-3 years younger then me... keeps annoying the hell outta first i pity her coz shes new and she didnt speak good gets annoying when she STICKS TO U..and asks EVERYTHING... wad is this..wad is that...wherever i go also follow..OMGLA...GO LOOK FOR SOME FRENS WOULD YA....i cant even talk to my frens...zzz...and pe was my favorite class....=.=... gonna explode larhs!!!!! i cant take it anymore! if those 2 retards still continue talking just gonna tell my teacher i wanna change seats! is getting more n more tough....i cant stand any moment in skool anymore.. my favorite class is now the STUDY HALL...( a place where u sleep and do wadever u want..except talking) thats like the quietest place ever! i used to like sound..and people talking around me... but not when it gets so f***ing annoying...zzz..... ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH .... aH wHiTe @ 4:00 PM | comment link here
Sunday, November 2, 2008 yawns...havent been posting be exact...more like 5 days..ONLI.. urhh..the previous post was just a time when i couldnt withstand the anger within me.. now..i think i feel kinda-ish ok...but im always appearing happy n energetic-ish at msn... so that YOU people wont be worry so much..:) i guess keeping the anger to urself will just make u more n more ANGRY.. once i spammed out everything..i still felt angry..just a LIL well....besides all the angry shyt...nothing much has been going on my life.. boring like shyt as usual...nothing to do... grades are in....didnt expect to get good grades...but oh wells~ A's N B's just like me...i cant help this time...5 A's n 1 B... not bad right... hmmm...been watching drama n tv for the past 2 days... amazingly..yesterday i sat infront of the tv from..........11am till ......5pm..=.=... retarded right....watched SPONGEBOB...urhhhhhh....NATURE VAMPIRE....URHHH..COOKING CHANNEL..URHHH...some random stuff....the food is so attractive btw :D hmmmmmm..wad watch drama from...11am till...9pm... im seriously becoming a no -lifer....zzzz omg..i just remembered i havent done my homework..==.. ahhhhhhhh.....forget it...i'll do it at wad else......BORED SHYT LARHS...I FEEL LIKE DYINGGGGGGGGG.....x.x... nobody can understand how boring it is..being trapped in this retarded house..LONELYYYYY..... imagine life without a computer...i would have suicided probably..=.=.... arhhhhhhhhhh..oh yea...theres daylight saving thing we got rolled back an hour... but to doesnt make any differences...seems like time is not a matter for me anymore.. last time i always wished for more time to do certain things... and now....its just a random factor that passes everyday...i just wish time could pass by extremely fast right now...zzz..i cant stand another boring day.... toodles.... aH wHiTe @ 7:09 PM | comment link here
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