Sunday, December 28, 2008 woooooooooooooooooo~ i think i shall post about yesterday and today.... it was AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ok...yesterday ...evening we ate home...HOMEMADE HOTPOT..(imagine all those yummy stuff bish! :P) and! after that, we went won the first game then, 2nd game got 2nd place! after , my cousin , and his gf went to chill at starbucks...around...9:30... so we brought uno n cards there....SO chat...not bad! AND WE STAYED THERE UNTIL 11! they had to make us leave..LOLLLLLL... "SORRY BUT WE'RE CLOSING - big wide smile-" AHAHAHHAA today!went driving from morning till like 1pm....o.o first..we went driving on the highway..then...onto different shopping complexes as my auntie wanted to buy stuff...then after that, we went to get groceries...then...we went to the mall.. not a bad day right? not at all! then after we got home, my auntie went to get her nails done, so i slacked at home...went to take a nap at 4pm, THEN...4:30 she come back...and wake me up...ask me to check got wad movie's on... SO I TOOK A 30 min NAP! "REFRESHING RIGHT!" lol tonight...we went to watch "YES MAN" overall, WE LAUGHED OUR ASSES OFF! it was seriousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssly funnnyyyy! especially the part where the old lady n that dude were on the BED...AND THE FAKE TEETH!! OMGGGGGGGG...CRACKED ME UP! LOLLL..AND AND AND..THE SINGING PART... AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA....x.x and tomorrow we're gonna go watch.....SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE but one bad thing about going to the theatres is...ITS EXPENSIVE MAN! person..9.50! CHA-CHING CHA-CHING and 4 of us the popcorn n was like.....$60!! one night 60 bucks..DANGGGG lol...oh...i forgot to brag about one of the SPECIAL christmas gifts i was from my aunt.. BESIDES THE CAR THAT addition...i recieved 1k! 1000 BUCKS! 1000 DOLLAR ! BEAST!ARE U JEALOUS ? HUH HUHH HUH?! - shows off cha-ching cha-ching- :P done for today...NITES MATE! :D aH wHiTe @ 8:13 PM | comment link here
Friday, December 26, 2008 Yoooooooo! watsup people! kenneh is super happy n hyper today! this morning..woke up at 9 am ok! 9!! U SEE ANOT 9!!!!lol we went to toyota car place to check out some cars and decide on which one we're gonna buy... at first it was either the corolla or the new one called..YARIS... but those car..too common...and they all looked the i was like....DEPRESSED... BUT AFTER THAT...WE SAW A SMOKING HOT CAR! THE THE THE THE..."SCION XD"..GAHHHHHHHH I FELL INLOVE WITH THAT CAR! LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! so i told my ah yi..and it so happened that my cousin also liked that car! so we bought that car instead! BEAST MAN! I chose the color.....Metalic GRAYYYYY SO CHIO ![]() ![]() SEXY RIGHT! SEXY JUST LIKE THE OWNER! ME! :P but the sad part is...i think i wont be driving it that much..coz my cousin likes it TSK..but oh wells...without this one..still got the sport car LEXUS! :P oh oh oh!Merry christmas everyone :D and Happy New Year! jingle bells~jingle bell~jingle all the way~~~~~~( late by one bad..:D) HUZAAAA...hopefully get to drive it tomorrow! :) OH OH OH! GUESS WAD..THERES LIKE 7 cup holders!LOL..AND AND AND!! WE GOT A FANCY RADIO! GOT MOTIONS LEHS (DANCE TO DA BEAT MAN!) DISCO IN DA CARRRRRR..LOL... ok..finish braggin :P OH OH OH ..forgot to write wad sharon said! CONNIE ARH! ARE U JEALOUS!? I HAVE A CAR N U DONT! LOL...:P oh oh oh! almost forgot...its so funny to talk about connie de....-wink wink at sharon- :D toodles:D aH wHiTe @ 4:15 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! i'm finally done with changing my blogskin! took me so freakin long! like 3 hours!(actually 2hours to be more accurate, i was cooking dinner after editting it halfway..:D) AND DINNER WAS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD lets see...i made this..kinda-ish sweet n sour PRO MANNNNNN :P oh wait..lets talk about the morning.... woke up at becoming a pig, i know..:) but its not my fault i went to sleep at 4am! my cousin and his friends were outside playing the com...some shooting game! annoying bishes!they were like : WTH! SHOOT SHOOT! KILL THE HUNTER! and blahblahblah... i tried pluggin earplugs hurts when i sleep when i have them the whole time they were yellin, i had to cover my ears with my hand...(imagine how ur spose to sleep with such ENTERTAINMENT) well...end of that part....woke up at 12 sumthing...ate cereal...and slacked in my room the wholeeee dayyyyyyyy...BORING THE SHYT OUTTA ME! BUT GUESS WADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD....i'm reallllllyyyyyyy happpppyyyyy my aunt is coming back soon..and she told my cousin to bring me out and BUY CARRRR... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol..ok...enough bullshyt..maybe we go out tomolo! AHHHHHHHHH-excited- ok...i think im done crappin... winterbreak ftw! :D ![]() ![]() ![]() AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA....this one is called "You are travelling with.......CHEW KOK"RETARDED!!!LOLLLLL toodles mate :D
aH wHiTe @ 7:16 PM | comment link here
Saturday, December 20, 2008 bumdidumdidum~ winterbreak is finally here!!! 2 weeks holiday mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn christmas is around the corner! and its gonna be 2009 soon! WHICH MEANS?!?!??! *DRUMROLLS PLEASE* KENNEH IS GONNA GRADUATE and become A BIG MAN HAHAAAAAAAA... hmmm....lets see wad my plans are for during the break.... monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday = sleep sleep sleep n ohohoh! i just realise i got TALENT in cooking! after one time failure..i finally become pro! :D the weather in texas is crazy..==....the news said that it was going to be cold n rain...but these days...its totally gona go crazy..== ohohohhhh...tomorrow sunday! maybe gonna go chill with frens..o.O OH OH OH!!!!! (ok..i know i keep "Oh-ing") well..i got my report card backkkkkkkkkkkk KENNEH FTW! lol...eventho im not REALLY satisfied with ALL my grades...its still OK..=.- english 4- 94 english 3-85 (NOT SATISFIED) algebra 2 - 97 geometry-99 (thanks to my patrick star) pe-98 (bish! spose to get 100 de lo!but i din bring clothes one day :P) us history - 92 BEAST MAN! am i a pro or wad?! hopefully i can get straight A's before this semester ends! and!! semester exams are gonna be after the winterbreak.....gahhhhhhh..after holiday..still can remember skool stuff? i doubt it...but oh wells...good luck me! grades grades grades! :D havent been doing much lately...kinda quitted maple..maybe gonna find some other random stuff to do..o.O...i got so bored i decided to clean my room random stuff...ok...this might be small..but i think still can see right...IF U HAVE GOOD EYE SIGHT! :D ![]() dont u wish to have these keyboards? they look like ordinary keyboards?OBVIOUSLY THEIR MADE OF CHOCOLATE AND MARSHMELLOW :D OH! i almost forgot to brag about my new monitor!!! LOL...from a 17 inch..changed to a its like a 20 sumthing! :D..BIG MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..:D..ok..finished braggin :D aH wHiTe @ 4:46 PM | comment link here
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 lol...i was actually playing maple de lor...then went to my blog...saw qiqi tag..of coz must tag back right..then saw her :P so i decided to do it again! so u all can know me better :D 1. Does anyone know your password? If its games like maple or audi, a few people know but msn..i doubt it :D 2.What was the last thing you ordered at McDonald? AHEM..over here..mcdonald is outdated liao larhs..order also burger king la! :P 3.Are you an emotional person? Yea, when u stab me i will cry :D 4.Do you like your name? HELL YEA, u can call me..KENNY, KEN, KENNEH, KENNEHNEH..LOL.. 5.Do you believe in love at first sight? hmm..yea :D 6.Ever felt jealous of your friends? YEA! they got so many gf at one time! LOL :P 7.What was the last thing you did? watch hong kong drama! :D 8.Who's next to you? MY buddy JESSICA..LOL (imaginary..incase u all think 9.Who was the last person you were with? urhh...MY FREN! we went to get drinks from the machine :D 10.What songs are you listening to right now? RIHANNA - unfaithful..i realise each time im doing these, it happens to be at rihanna's song..o.O 11.How's the weather right now? COLD..FREEZING...ppl predict its gonna snow tomorrow...EXCITED! 12.Last person you called? friend..o.O? 14.Last movie you watched? in cinema...Quantum of solace, at home, some hong kong drama..:D 15. Last time you danced? TODAY AT SKOOL! we had to do this aerobic dance:P 16.Lost a friendship over something stupid? yea, i broke up with her and she hated me after sad right...x.x 18.Last thing you ate? CEREAL!(for lunch) :D 19.Been depressed before? HELL YEA, asians are always depressed over grades :P 20.Faked being sick to miss school? hmm...thinking of it..i nvr skipped skool..unless i was really really just a guai kia like that..unlike SOMEONE...AHEM AHEM..:) 21.What time did you wake up today? 5:45 AM 22.Current status? urh..single?lol..SINGLE U SEE ANOT QIQI..LOL..stop saying im not single when i really am! shesh!! :P 23. What are you wearing right now? clothes..LOL :P not so less like qiqi larhs :P 24. Are you too shy to ask anyone out? nah..with my looks..ppl ask me lehs :P LOL..BHB ONLI LA...DUN STAB ME BACK OK..LOL 25.What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? attitude! im not MATERIALISTIC LIKE SOMEONE..ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS LOOKS..TSK TSK 26.Where are you right now? im my house :D 28.What date n day is it? 16th, tuesday 29.Are you going anywhere today? nope...alrdy went to skool..i have no social life...x.x...(CUZ IM ASIAN LIKE THAT) o.O..another 1.Honestly, what color is your shirt? black...o.o..WHY U ASK..PERV ARHS..:P 2.Honestly, whats on your mind? am i gonna have a gf soon? lol..not thinking whether i should eat dinner or not..o.O 3.Honestly, what have u done yesterday? went to skool...stay home..sleep..o.O..NO SOCIAL LIFE MAN! 4.Honestly, have you been in love? yea full of love :) 5.Honestly, feeling anything unusual today? its unusually cold today..o.o.. 6.Honestly . is your heart still occupied? friends :D...but there's still an empty space :D 7.Honestly, are you jealous of somebody right now? YEA, MY FREN! SHE HAS A HAWT PHONE!! TOUCHSCREEN BABY!!..x.x 8.Honestly, what makes you sad most of the time? GRADES! I GET DEPRESSED AND CUT MYSELF!! LOLLLLLLLL 9. Honestly, are u LOVING someone right now? nope :) 10. Honestly, what are the things u don't want in life? urhh...death! I DUN WANNA DIE!!T.T 11.Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? actually..i wanna see............RIHANNA ! LOL 12. Honestly, any plannings in near future? DUHHH..BILLIONAIRE! 13. Honestly, do you love someone very much? if there was someone for me to love, then yea:D 14. Honestly, does anyone like you? be truthful..this person told me they like me..but i din say anything in we're frens right now :D Anger section 1.What do you do when you're mad? urh..i dont curse n swear...i just refuse to talk...or sometimes..i just complain to certain ppl..:D 2.What's the worst things you've done when you were very mad? urh...throw something at 3.Ever made anyone cry? yea, when there were times that the word.."BREAK UP" needed to be out from my 4.Do you curse when you're mad? NOPE 5.When was the last time you really cried? urhh...dont rmber.. 6.Ever cried yourself to sleep? nope..o.O..that would be wet...(sounds SKIP 8.Are you normally a happy person? YES!NO!...kinda..o.o...normally happy when im on msn..but behind the screen..IM DEPRESSED LIKE THAT MAN!..LOL 9.Does being with friends make you happy? yea..KINDA..depends on who..:D 10.When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? well..i hear that alot anyways :P..AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA omg..these surveys are like a place where i can bhb..but seriously lorh...IM NOT BHB-ING! :D aH wHiTe @ 3:37 PM | comment link here
Sunday, December 14, 2008 oh wells...nothing much lately, skool is OK...after next week, were gonna have winter break!!!! 2 whole weeks BISHES! :P i'll be on the computer 24/7! AND! join ipandams! its v62!! lol anyways...i think doing these survey's are kinda-ish fun for once..:P so i decided to do the one on qiqi's blog...EVENTHO SHE DIN TELL ME TO DO IT...:P 1. What kind of person are you? (after seeing this questions..i know its time for my!friendly!fun!cute!SHUAI!HONEST!nice!funny!...i think thats all..o.o 2.Have you ever stead someone before? NO NVR! im onli 3! LOL..obviously u think i live 17 years of my life being so lifelessly...o.o 3.Have you ever tried smoking? HELL NO! ima guai kia ! -halo on kenneh's head- 4. Who's your 1st bf? not gay 5.Who was your last bf? SHESH! IM NOT GAY! 6.What is your greatest wish? hmmm..i wish to have a hundred more wishes..:D 7.If you have a choice, would you want to have a bf? wads with all these bf...I THINK I SHALL CHANGE IT TO GF INSTEAD! SHESH! REDO NUMBER 4,5,7 4. Who's your 1st gf? obviously a girl..LOL :P 5. Who was your last girlfren? hmm..lemme think...the one back in 7.If you had a choice, would you want to have a gf? y not? having someone to annoy u is notbad wad..:P 8. If a girl woo you, would you accept her? depends...if she has the requirements i want! :P 9. Do you love your family? HELL YEA! 10.Do you love your friends? YEA! as much as i love my family! :) 11. How much do u want for your pocket money? i dun mind...o.o.. 12.If you have $1 with you, what would you do with it? a lolipop...i feel like eating candy right now..=.= 13. If your girlfren wanted to break you, would you cry? i think it means break up..and no i wont...coz usually its the opposite...sry to say that :P 14.What is you favourite song? urhhhhhh....wrong number, take a bow..o.o 15.Who is you favorite singer? DBSKKKKKKKKKK 16.Do you like to read magazines? nope..o.o 17. Have you ever wore your shirt in the opposite way? yea..when i wanna feel retarded..:D 18.You prefer a girl who is same age as you or older? i think..same age...or younger...i dont wanna be said going out with my 19.Is you grandparents living on this earth? part of them are..o.o 20.Do you lve your grandparents? kinda..but we;re not that close 21. What kind of movie do you like to watch? action?crime?funny! 22.Have you tried eating raw food? yea..o.o. 23. What is your favorite food? urhh...i like....steamboats..o.o 24.What is the name of your pet? Blackie, xiao hei...i had a black cat when i was young..and obviously when iwas young...i had no creativity 25. What is your favorite instrument? urhh....i dunno..o.o..MY MOUTH! makes sounds :P 26.Who is your best friend? everyone is my best friend :D 27.Who is the las person you last called? urhh..i rarely call ppl...its the other way round.. 28.Who last tagged your blog and why that person tagged your blog? reply darren's tag 29.Who is the last person you chatted in msn? Melissa...ipanda owner..o.o 30.Have yu every tried to dye ur hair? yea..its yellowish orangy.. 31.How many earholes are there on both your earS? not gay 32. What is your favorite color? white and lime green..o.o 33. How many links are there in your blog? i dont feel like counting 34. Who is your last link? i dunno..o.o 35. Who is your first link? I DUNNO!SHESH! 36.Who is in the middle of your links? GAHHHHHHH...I DUNNO!! 37. In all the links, who is the closest to you? urhhhhhhhh...sharon?connie? bu zhi daoooooo... OMG..wads with all the questions with links! I REFUSE TO ANSWER ANYMORE TO DOWITH LINKS! 42. If your bestfriend betrayed you, what will you do? go look for another one..:D 43.Have you every fell in love with food? WAD ARE U TALKING ABOUT...I AM in love with food..who canhate food..=.= 44.Have you ever regretted doing something? think of it..kinda-ish..i miss my 46.What is your ambition? to own my own business and be a BILLIONAIRE 47.Do you like a girl who is romantic? uh huh...kinda-ish..o.o 48.In what situation will you feel that you are unloved? when ppl refuse to talk to me!BISHES! :P 49. Did you ever failed doing something? yea..i tried making drumsticks for dinner...but they turned black... thats all :P:P... aH wHiTe @ 6:01 PM | comment link here
Friday, December 12, 2008 aH wHiTe @ 6:39 PM | comment link here
Decided to do this quiz thingy...:) 1)My friends; are all weirdo's 2)I'm listening to; Rihanna - Take a Bow 3)Maybe i should learn; wad should i learn..o.o..obviously smart enough alrdy :D 4)I love; everyone that is hawt n smexy like me! :P 5)My plan; sleep during my winter break :D 6)I don't understand; why people love me so much..hahaha! 7)I lost; NOTHING! coz im well organized like that! 8)People say; im funny,FLIRTY, retarded, weird and STUPID!!!(hurt my feelings) 9)I'm missing; my family, msn flirts!:P 10)Love means; Take out ur heart and die! 11)Somewhere, someone is; Somewhere over the rainbow~ (random) 12)I'm always searching for; food around the house..(seems like there's never food in my house) 13)Forever seems; LONG..o.o 14)I dont want to; do this stupid quiz...taking forever..=.- 15)My mobile phone; always dies....its 16)When i wake up in the morning; i open my eyes! OBVIOUSLY! LOLLLL 17)I get annoyed when; girls get all over me 18)Parties are; places for u to get DRUNK! BISH! :P 19)---------- 20)Today i, put on 3 layers of jacket when i went to skool..(it was cold!) 21)Tmr i will be; taking an important ACT examination 22)I really want; to drive and winter break to come!! 23)I miss; i tot this question was at the top..o.o 24)What is your phone brand?; MOTOROLA 25)What is the last 3 digits of ur num?; 088(sharon must be writing this 26)What does the second message in your inbox say?; "hey, im coming over right now"..o.o 27)Who was the last person you rang? NONE OF UR BUSINESS! YO MAMA! i sound gangsta-ish? :P 28)Who was you last missed call from?; from my gf! LOL...just kidding...these questions are stupid..-.= 29)What does the oldest message in you inbox say?; i love you and good night..LOL 30)Who comes after J?; i dunno...UR FACE! :P obviously the person who tagged me cant count :P 40)Go to you sent messages- see what the 10th message says;"O.O..i dont want to, im watching anime's" lol 41) Who is your network provider?; obviously the internet company..stupid..== 42)How many messages are there in your inbox?; like 50..o.o 43)Who do you have on speed dial 3?; not tellin u bish! :P ok..i find the other questions stupid... and whoever wants to do it..DO okies, im off to slack around..and study for that stupid exam... toodles mate :D aH wHiTe @ 1:22 PM | comment link here
Thursday, December 11, 2008 aH wHiTe @ 8:38 PM | comment link here
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 All done by kenneh! :D ![]() Copy this code to your website to display this banner! ![]() Copy this code to your website to display this banner! ![]() Copy this code to your website to display this banner! aH wHiTe @ 8:26 PM | comment link here
aH wHiTe @ 8:09 PM | comment link here
Sunday, December 7, 2008 oooooooooommmmmmmmggggggggg... today! awesome! GREAT! MAGNIFICENT DAY EVERRRRRRRRR i went to this concert called "Jingle Jam 2008" singers that came were, david archuleta, gavin degraw, colbie caillat, nick lachey, RIHANNA and chris brown... AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the place was kooooooooool...i mean..everything about it was awesome! the songs were good..and omg...everything was just great! lol speechless! and!! in my opinion...rihanna ft chris brown in a mix of umbrella n cinderella wasjust gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood....sad part is...chris brown only sang 2 songs, main character was rihanna...she sang like...7-9 songs...bbut omg..shes awesome man! lol!! wad else....there were 2 crazy drunk person besides me...that was the most annoying part... randomly stands up and start dancing..=.=...oh wells....hopefully i'll attend the 20009 jingle jam! and!! im finish with my geometry project !!! i finished coloring patrick!!! u a pic someday :P... pretty right! im so impressed with myself ok!but the thing long long pink color pencil become shorter then my wlls..IM IMPRESSED :P aH wHiTe @ 9:35 PM | comment link here
Friday, December 5, 2008 Happy bday to me~ happy bday to me~ happy bday to me~~~ :P hmm....i was surprised wad my fren gave me A GIANT BOX OF CHOCOLATEEE LOLS.....i wonder why...not like its valentines day... oh likey chocolate! :D frens at skool so funny! sang a few versions of happybday..and all gave me hugs..-winks winks- :P i guess...the skool part is fun..wonder how the night is gonna be.. post later..toodles :D...and thx sharon n connie for da wishes... but the sad part is..made me stay up till 12am :P U ARE LOVED :D aH wHiTe @ 1:12 PM | comment link here
Thursday, December 4, 2008 well...the reason why i decided to post was coz something extreme happened in skool today.... while i was walking to my pe 2 girls....arguing arguing..and when i came out after changing...thy still arguing..then after a while! they started to fight... so scary when they fight....shirt also pull out..O.O..LOLS ( got undershirt de, dun think messy) main thing is...i nvr saw girls fight so BRUTALLY...:P hmm..wad else...been mapling kinda-ish alot recently coz iPandaMS is reopened and its fun chatting with people there...but yesterday....while the owner n i was deciding the new gm spot...there was a lil misunderstanding...zzz..which made me feel bad.... so basically, for every 20 ppl we will get a new gm..and fyi...i was the first chosen gm :D,so yesterday me n de owner Melissa was discussing who to choose... we narrowed it down to a guy and a the end, the girl was chosen...and one more thing...the selection was outta 12 people... after she became gm...ppl started to get angry at ME!...zzzz said stuff like....the onli reason she got chosen was because kenny has a crush on wtf...(the person that was desperately wanting to be gm said that) but obviously i think that was plain wadever...and fyi...i dont have a crush on that person...we're just frens..=.-...maybe coz we crap too much in hamachi...yawns..== hmm..wad else...there were still some that said, she doesnt know anything..why choose her, must be kenny's idea...the owner chose too ok! BISHS!!!! all blame me!!! urhh....maybe its the way i talk on hamachi n maple..ppl tend to say i keep flirting..but just to let u know..this aint just being friendly ... well..enough of those VIRTUAL THINGS! GUESS WADDDDD KENNEH ISH TURNING 17 in...approximately....3 and a half hours! wooooooooooooo...17 17 17 17 17 17 17 actually i dont really look forward to this day..coz there's no difference compared to a normal day...:( oh least kenneh turns 17 bishs! :P but the sad thing is..i have .....2 tests english, one math...BISH! well..thats about it...busy with skool lately...project project n project... gonna go sleep and look SPARKLING TOMORROW! :P -CANT WAIT TILL WINTER BREAK!!!!!!!!- :P toodles :D aH wHiTe @ 6:27 PM | comment link here
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