Thursday, January 15, 2009 ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH one more day of final! but the thing is...i have 2 english finals...HEADACHEEEEE....too much studying ! damaging my brain! actually...i didnt study for my previous exams...but english..needa study those vocabulary words...gahhhhhhhhhhhh.. anyways...i've been driving around alot lately...and gonna start driving to skool tomorrow...hurrray? hopefully i dont hit anything...and stay alive..:D been spending alot of money too! driving= spend money but i've been applying for jobs..i think i might get a call next week..:) mONEY! I NEED MONEY! i wanna get an itouchhh..and a new tomorrow, planning to hang out with some friends after skool...since exams are all over..must chill right! :D:D:D:D:D but last week....i got into this big fight with my friend...and now we arnt talking no more...gahhhh...wadever...been trying to talk to her..but she seems to be giving me some bitchy attitude...and its not even my fault....maybe she needs to get a life..=.-...oh has been great these few weeks..:) take care peeps :D |
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