Saturday, February 7, 2009 hellos fellow mates..o.O the reason for this post is to kinda-ish revive my blog.. as you all can blog has been rotting since january..and now its alrdy february... well..lets start off with school life..o.o new semester, new friends n new schedule..o.o this classes are kinda weird n freakin easy.. probably coz i dont have 2 maths and 2 englishes anymore.. so classes are: Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Algebra 2, Speech, Agricultural Science and keyboarding... Lets begin with the 1st is an easy class..mostly do powerpoints and just talk in class.. currently needa do a travel package and present it for the teacher....but i think that will be kinda fun.. Next, algebra 2....didnt do too well on the 1st semester final...but still got an average of 92...A..o.o math is math...~ next is speech, it is basically a class that teaches you how to talk...really easy class, really easy grades...becoz one of my specialties are talking..:D Agricultural Science! it is one of the weirdest classes ever! u learn about pigs, cows, sheeps, and basically farm animals! but its kinda interesting once u get into it..o.o... last but not least, keyboarding...its a very boring class...the things you do is basically typing, what else do i need to explain?...but one thing can type super fast and type without even looking at the screen or keyboard..o.o...amazing right..... ok....this term..i only have 5 off campus and one study i leave skool at 1:40 oh oh oh! i've been turning in alot of applications for jobs and finally one of them called!!! and i already went for the interview! amazing right?! i'll probably start working next week...minimun wage is $6.55...but not so bad for my first job..and if i do good..probably get a raise in a few months...ohhhhh...its customer services at a famous cinema...o.O...lemme describe how it looks like...hmmm it has 2 stories...upstairs for employee's and downstairs for movies...and outside for tickets... there is probably 3 food bars...and 2 places that sells tickets.. has approximately.....25 yea...its sooooooo big...compared to the ones in the bathrooms are soooo big too! gah! well, tomorrow i get my training schedule and next week start training! MONEY!!! cha-ching cha-ching! hmm..wad else....ohhhhhh... i dont have a desktop anymore...i now have another laptop..o.O...wonder why..? i dont know too..but this laptop is alot prettier than the previous one i had..:P.. been slacking around alot now...lifeless-er then previous....coz skool...NO HOMEWORK MAN! so boring!!! sometimes i just wish to have a little bit of homework or sumthing! weird..o.O oh oh oh! gonna graduate soooooon!!! so excited!!! so extreme!!! WO ZHANG DA LE! hmm...thats all..probably gonna update whenever im bored...toodles mate :D |
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