Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Welcome back, ME! I realised that i have not posted recently... well...its been a month...and im here to keep people updated with what i have been doing.. this month seems to be passing really fast...seems like it was just yesterday that i left malaysia. sounds kinda depressing huh? it kinda seems like alot has changed..seems like i have grown more matured... to tell you the truth..i havent been doing much..just school and work.. wake up...school...after school...work....repeating n repeating... high school life is about to end just in a few more weeks... seriously..its time to start planning for the future...people constantly ask...what do u wanna do after getting out of high school? totally lost....what should i do? what can i do? sometimes when i think too much...i just randomly think about people back in malaysia... i miss my family alot...eventhough i never talk about them... its kinda sad hearing about all the stuff that has happened around them.. sometimes i just wish that i could be back there to help them with the problems... or sometimes...i just wish they could clear out all my problems... when you think about it...u wont know what might happen the day after tomorrow..... i didnt think i would be this weak...but as the truth hits you...theres nothing you can do about it.. |
-Royal- RoyaL Forum zAUDITION_x bLacKiE CoNNiE FroZeN JoLenE MeowMeow MooN QiQi CeLinE JeR -iLu-CurseD ClouDiE MomoChA PopiaH HaMMiE YiYi |