Monday, August 24, 2009 Hellos! started today, summer break is gone... and it was my first day to start college life! its not as bad as i imagined it..everyone seems to be KINDA nice...(quiet...ppl dont talk much nowadays..) but overall its a peaceful environment.. the professor...or so called...."Dr"... she was pretty good.. first class is..psychology starts at 1230pm(lol..yea..kinda late)...seriously...that Dr...seemed to know wad was in our minds..she kept talking n talking..but it wasnt like a feeling that u would fall asleep... her voice kinda absorbs u back into the but today...was just briefly describing about the stuff she expects from us.. tomorrow..i will have 2 classes...and it starts at 930 i believe...hopefully it is something like today..(prays for a friendly professor) :D oh well..toodles~ |
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